Writing Retreats
Religion, Sexuality, Art and Activism with Inclusive and Affirming Ministries
28/08/2019Report by Nobesuthu Tom (Honours student and research assistant)
From the 4th to the 6th of August 2019, the Centre partnered with the Department of Religious Studies at the University of Cape Town to host leading expert on African Traditional Religion, Dr Nokuzola Mndende, as a visiting scholar.
The visit comprised two lectures at UCT and an academic interview on African Traditional Religions at UWC hosted by postgraduate student Nobesuthu Tom. Dr Mndende’s short visit as a guest underscores the Centre’s commitment to providing space for discussion of diverse modes of religiosity. In the academic interview, Dr Mndende and Nobesuthu Tom highlighted the multiple complexities underlying the intellectual and identity politics at play in the study and practice of African Traditional Religion in contemporary South Africa. The discussions were lively and robust with questions emanating from both undergraduate students as well as professors from other disciplines.
As a result of this collaboration Nobesuthu Tom and Professor Asonzeh Ukah, Head of Religious Studies at the University of Cape Town, are co-authoring a paper titled “African Traditional Religion: Status and Practice in South Africa.”