The Desmond Tutu Centre houses and publishes the African Journal of Gender and Religion (AJGR) accredited by the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET).

The African Journal of Gender and Religion
In 2018, the Journal of Gender and Religion in Africa was renamed the African Journal of Gender and Religion (AJGR). The name change signaled the aim to internationalise the reach of the journal while ensuring its space as a premier journal of gender and religion within Africa. The rationale is to ensure a focus on Africa, while welcoming submissions from the global academic context. In collaboration with the library team at the University of Johannesburg, the AJGR is now available on the UJ platform here which makes use of the Open Journal System (OJS). To access the latest Call for Papers, visit this link here.
The Desmond Tutu Centre publishes an annual report reporting on activities for the period between April to April.

Outputs by the Centre, Research Affiliates, and Students
Nadar, S. Paulo Ueti, and Johnathan Jodamus. 2023. “Toward Gender Justice: Reimagining Religion, Race, Gender, and Sexuality in Acts 8: 26‐40.” Ecumenical Review 75, no. 1 (2023): 96-111.
Nadar, S. 2023. “‘God is not Christian, God is not White, God is not a Man’: Three Provocations for Reading Albert Nolan’s ‘God in South Africa,” Journal of Theology for Southern Africa, (177): 53-67.
Nadar, S. 2022. “Epistemologically Privileging Anger: Living with Cracked Containers in Feminist Scholarship.” Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion vol 38, no. 1, pp. 59-62.
Nadar, S and Robertson, M. 2021. ‘Rest, recognition and resistance: Drawing on the womanist wells of Katie Geneva Cannon’. Journal of Theology for Southern Africa vol 170, pp. 7-18
Robertson, M and Nadar, S. 2021. ‘Queering the Ecclesia: Exploring “Institutional Culture” as a path toward an inclusive church’, Studia Historiae Ecclesiasticae, vol 47 no. 3, pp 1-16.
Nadar, S 2020, ‘Exploring Agency, Absence, and Approach in the Book, Kenyan, Christian, Queer’, Religious Studies Review vol. 46, no. 3, pp. 333-335.
Seedat, F & Nadar, S 2020, ‘Between Boundaries, towards Decolonial Possibilities in a Feminist Classroom: Holding a Space between the Quran and the Bible.’, Religion and Theology vol. 27 no.3-4, pp. 229-249. doi:
Nadar, S & Jodamus, J 2019, ‘Sanctifying Sex: Exploring ‘Indecent’ Sexual Imagery in Pentecostal Liturgical Practices’, Journal for the Study of Religion, vol. 31, no. 1,
Nadar, S. and Van Klinken, A 2018, ‘Queering the Curriculum’: Pedagogical Explorations of Gender and Sexuality in Religion and Theological Studies’, Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion, vol. 34, no. 1, pp. 101-109. doi: 10.2979/jfemistudreli.34.1.16
Bangirana, A, Nadar, S & Reddy, S 2017, ‘Sexual Surveillance and Student Sexual Agency: Catholic Moral Teaching and HIV Prevention in a Higher Education Context’, Journal for the Study of Religion, vol. 30, no. 2, pp. 105 – 121.
Nadar, S & Reddy, S 2016. ‘From Instrumentalization to Intellectualization: Response to Silent Scripts and Contested Spaces in Classrooms’, Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion, vol. 32, no. 1, pp. 136- 142.
Nadar, S & Gerle, E 2016, ‘Mediating the ‘sacredness’ of religion, culture and law in contexts of sexual violence’, Agenda, vol. 30, no. 3, pp. 104-114. doi: 10.1080/10130950.2017.1284302
Nadar, S & Reddy, S 2016, ‘From Instrumentalization to Intellectualization: Response to Silent Scripts and Contested Spaces in Classrooms’, Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 136- 142.
Nadar, S 2015, ‘Liberation Hermeneutics through the I’s/Eyes of the (Female) Moor in a Post-Conflict Society’, in Concilium, International Journal of Theology, pp. 1-11.
Nadar, S, Reddy, S, van der Walt, C, Siwila, L & Gerle, E 2014, ‘Flourishing Guinea Pigs’: Exploring Intersectionality and Interdisciplinarity in a Master’s Programme on Gender, Religion and Health at two South African Universities’, Journal of Gender and Religion in Africa, vol. 20, no. 2, Special Issue, pp. 203-230.
Nadar, S 2013 ‘Politics of reconciliation: re-inscribing the wounded body’, in Concilium, International Journal of Theology, pp. 35-41.
Nyawo,S, Nadar, S & Reddy, S 2013, ‘“Sowungumuntfu ke nyalo” “You are now a Real Person”: Reproductive Self-Determination in the Context of Reproductive Health in Swaziland’, Journal of Gender and Religion in Africa, vol. 19, no. 2, pp. 105-118.
Getman, G & Nadar, S 2013, ‘Natality and Motherism: Embodiment within a Praxis of Spiritual Leadership’, Journal for the Study of Religion, vol. 26, no. 2, pp. 59-73. doi:
Kaunda, M & Nadar, S 2012, ‘Remembering and Resistance: Lenshina Mulenga’s Search for Justice and Peace’, The Ecumenical Review, vol. 64, no. 3, pp. 346-356. (Equal contributions by both authors).
Macule, S & Nadar, S 2012, ‘Women Oppressing Women: The Cultivation of Esprit de Corps in Xirilo (Women’s Association) of the UCCSA in Mozambique’, The Ecumenical Review, vol. 64, no. 3, pp. 357-365. (Equal contributions by both authors).
Moyo, F & Nadar, S 2012, ‘Editorial: Gendered Perspectives on the Busan 10th Assembly theme on Justice and Peace’, The Ecumenical Review, vol. 64, no. 3, pp. 233-240.
Nadar, S & Phiri, I 2012, ‘Charting the Paradigm Shifts in HIV Research: The Contribution of Gender and Religion Studies’ Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion, vol. 28, no. 2, pp. 121–147. (Equal Contribution by both authors).>jfemistudreli.28.2.121-02.pdf
Sistig, J & Nadar, S 2011, ‘Who’s in charge in a genderless Marriage? A feminist and queer analysis of the opposition to same-sex marriage by the Marriage Alliance of South Africa’, The Journal of Gender and Religion in Africa, vol. 17, no. 2, pp. 77-92. (Equal Contribution by both authors).
Phiri, I & Nadar, S 2011, ‘The Personal is Political”: Faith and Religion in a Public University.’ Acta Theologica Supplementum, vol. 14, pp. 81-94. (Equal Contribution by both authors).
Nadar, S & Potgieter, C 2010. ‘Liberated Through Submission?’: The Worthy Woman’s Conference (WWC) as a Case Study of Formenism’, Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion, vol. 26, no.2, pp. 163-173. (Equal Contribution by both authors). doi:
Potgieter, C & Nadar, S 2010, ‘Don’t Touch Me on My Psychology and Religion!” Feminist Backlash in a Wearable Cloak and Different Voice’, Agenda: Empowering Women for Gender Equity, pp. 46-54. (Equal Contribution by both authors). https://www.jstor.rg/stable/27917334
Phiri, I & Nadar, S 2010, ‘Talking Back to Religion and HIV&AIDS Using an African Feminist Missiological Framework: Sketching the Contours of the Conversation,’ Journal of Constructive Theology: Gender, Religion and Theology in Africa, vol. 16, no. 2. (Equal Contribution by both authors).
Nadar, S 2009, ‘Changing the World: The Task of Feminist Biblical Scholars’, Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion, vol. 25, no.2, pp. 137-143.
Nadar, S 2009, ‘Palatable Patriarchy and Violence Against Wo/men in South Africa: Angus Buchan’s Mighty Men’s Conference as a Case Study of Masculinism’, Scriptura, vol. 102, pp. 549-559.
Nadar, S 2009, ‘The Bible Says!’: Feminism, Hermeneutics and Neo-Pentecostal Challenges’, Journal of Theology for Southern Africa, vol. 134, pp. 131-146.
Nadar, S 2009, ‘Sacred Stories as Theological Pedagogy’, Journal of Constructive Theology, vol. 14, no. 2 and vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 9-24.
Nadar, S 2009, ‘The Feminist Teacher: Pedagogy of the Oppressed Woman?’, Journal of Constructive Theology, vol. 14, no. 2 and vol. 15, no.2, pp. 37-56.
Nadar, S 2009, ‘Beyond the ‘Ordinary Reader’ and the ‘Invisible Intellectual’: Shifting Contextual Bible Study from Liberation Discourse to Liberation Pedagogy’, Old Testament Essays, vol. 22, no.2, pp. 384-403.
Nadar, S 2009, ‘The Bible in and for Mission: A Case Study of the Council for World Mission’, Missionalia, vol. 37, no. 2, pp. 210-228.
Nadar, S 2009, ‘Her-Stories and Her-Theologies: Charting Feminist Theologies in Africa’, Studia Historiae Ecclesiasticae XXXV [Supplement], pp. 135-150.
Nadar, S 2009, ‘Toward a Feminist Missiological Agenda: A Case Study of the Jacob Zuma Rape Trial’, Missionalia, vol. 37, no. 1, pp. 85-102.
Phiri, I & Nadar, S 2009, ‘ “Going Through the Fire with Eyes Wide Open”: African Women’s Perspectives on Indigenous Knowledge, Patriarchy and Sexuality’, Journal for the Study of Religion, vol. 22, no. 2, pp. 5-22.
Nadar, S 2008, ‘Review Article – Engaging Biblical Authority’, Journal of Biblical Interpretation, vol. 1, pp. 375-393.
Nadar, S 2007, ‘Review Article: What about the Margins? Biblical Scholarship Fifteen Years after Voices From the Margin’, Scriptura, vol. 95, pp. 293-297.
Nadar, S 2007, ‘Contextual Theological Education in Africa and the Challenge of Globalization’, Ecumenical Review, vol. 59, no. 2-3, pp. 235-241.
Phiri, I & Nadar, S 2006, ‘What’s in a Name? Forging a Theoretical Framework for African Women’s Theologies’, Journal of Constructive Theology, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 5-23.
Nadar, S 2006, ‘Hermeneutics of Transformation?’ A Critical Exploration of the Model of Social Engagement Between Biblical Scholars and Faith Communities’, Scriptura, vol. 93, pp. 339-351.
Nadar, S 2005, ‘Searching the Dungeons Beneath our Religious Discourses: The Case of Violence Against Women and the ‘Unholy Trinity’, Agenda: Empowering Women for Gender Equity, vol. 66, pp. 16-22. doi: 10.1080/10130950.2005.9674641
Nadar, S 2005, ‘Paradigm Shifts in Mission: From an Ethic of Domination to an Ethic of Justice and Love: The Case of 1 Tim. 2: 8-15’, Missionalia, vol. 33, no. 2, pp. 303-314.
Nadar, S 2004, ‘On Being the Pentecostal Church: Pentecostal Women’s Voices and Visions’, The Ecumenical Review, vol. 56, no. 3, pp. 354-367.
Nadar, S 2004, ‘On Being Church: African Women’s Voices and Visions’, Journal of Constructive Theology, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 1-12.
Nadar, S 2004, ‘Texts Of Terror’ Disguised as the ‘Word Of God’: The Case of Esther 2:1-18 and the Conspiracy of Rape in the Bible’, Journal of Constructive Theology, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 59-79.
Maluleke, T & Nadar, S 2004, ‘Alien Fraudsters in the White Academy: Agency in Gendered Colour’, Journal of Theology for Southern Africa, vol. 120, pp. 5-17.
Nadar, S 2003, ‘Re-reading Job in the Midst of Suffering in the HIV/AIDS Era: How Not to Talk of God’, Old Testament Essays, vol. 16, no. 2, pp. 343-357.
Nadar, S 2002, ‘Gender, Power, Sexuality and Suffering Bodies: Re-reading the Characters of Esther and Vashti for Social Transformation’, Old Testament Essays, vol. 15, no. 1, pp. 113-130.
Nadar, S 2002, ‘Review Article – The Bible in Africa: Transactions, Trajectories and Trends’, Journal of Theology for Southern Africa, vol. 112, pp. 99-104.
Maluleke, T & Nadar, S 2002, ‘Breaking the Covenant of Violence against Women’, Journal of Theology for Southern Africa, vol. 114, pp. 5-17. (Equal Contribution by both Authors).
Nadar, S 2001, ‘Living in Two Worlds: The Changing Role of South African Indian Women in the Full Gospel Church’, Journal for the Study of Religion, vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 73-83.
Nadar, S 2000, ‘Subverting Gender and Ethnic Assumptions in Biblical Narrative: Exploring the Narrative Voice of Ruth’, Journal of Constructive Theology, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 67-84.
Scharnick-Udemans, L. 2023. Between Promise and Peril: Observations on Moral Panic, Popular Culture and Religion”. Religion and Social Communication 21(2) 294-312.
Scharnick-Udemans, L. 2023. Erasure, Exclusion, and Engagement: The Politics of Knowledge Production in The Study of (Indigenous) Religions. Roundtable discussion: “Rethinking Indigenous Religious Traditions with Jace Weaver”. Indigenous Religious Traditions 1(1) (51-89).
Scharnick-Udemans, L. 2022. “Enqi Weng, Media Perceptions of Religious Changes in Australia: Of Dominance and Diversity and Felicitas Becker, Joel Cabrita and Marie Rodet, Religion, Media and Marginality in Modern Africa”. Journal for the Academic Study of Religion, vol 35 no. 1, pp. 126–130.
Scharnick-Udemans, L. 2021. ‘Feminist Pandemic Pedagogies: Podcasting and the Study of Religion’, Journal for the Study of Religion vol 34 no. 1. doi:
Scharnick-Udemans, L 2021. ‘Decolonising Religious Studies in South Africa: Reflections in the Field 26 years after Democracy’, Religion Compass vol. 15 no. 4, pp. 1-11. doi:
Scharnick-Udemans, L 2020, ‘Religion: The Final Frontier of the Rainbow Nation’, Journal of Religion and Theology, vol. 27 no. 3-4, pp. 250-274. doi:
Scharnick-Udemans, L & Hackett, R 2019, ‘Introduction: Religion and Gender in the Media Marketplace’, African Journal of Gender and Religion, vol. 25 no. 2, pp. 1-13. (Co-editor of special issue).
Scharnick-Udemans, L 2019, “Regulating Religion: The Mediatisation of Islam on Public Broadcast Television’, Alternation.
Scharnick-Udemans, L 2018, ‘Biographies and the Mediatization of Religion. Religion & Education. volume 45, no. 1, pp. 110-124. doi:
Scharnick-Udemans, L 2018, ‘Siyakholwa – We Believe: A Case Study on the Mediatisation of Religion Education and Religious Pluralism. Changing Societies & Personalities, 2(3), 279-284, doi:10.15826/csp.2018.2.3.046. doi:
Scharnick-Udemans, L 2018. TV is the Devil, the Devil is on TV: Wild Religion and Wild Media in South Africa. Journal for the Study of Religion. vol.31, no. 2, pp. 180-197. doi:
Robertson, M 2021. Queer Studies and Religion in Southern Africa: The Production of Queer Christian Subjects. Religion Compass, vol. 15, no. 1, pp. 1 – 12. doi:
Nadar, S and Robertson, M. 2021. ‘Rest, recognition and resistance: Drawing on the womanist wells of Katie Geneva Cannon’. Journal of Theology for Southern Africa vol 170, pp.7-18
Robertson, M and Nadar, S. 2021. ‘Queering the Ecclesia: Exploring “Institutional Culture” as a path toward an inclusive church’, Studia Historiae Ecclesiasticae, vol 47 no. 3, pp 1-16.
Robertson, M. 2021. ‘Performance and production in the field: A queer approach to participatory research in the case of queer clergy in the Methodist Church of Southern Africa’, African Studies.
Robertson, M, Nadar, S & Jodamus, J 2018. Antagonism, Ambivalence and Affirmation: Exploring Ecclesial paradigms for queering the church in South Africa. NCC Review. vol. 138, no. 6, pp. 356 – 366.
Robertson, M 2017, Queerying scholarship on Christianity and queer sexuality: Reviewing nuances and new directions. Journal for Gender and Religion in Africa, vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 125-144. doi:
Pillay, M. 2023. “First Woman to…” Exceptionalism Discourse: Badge of Honour or Badgering Burden? The African Journal of Gender and Religion Vol. 29 No 2 (2023). African Journal of Gender and Religion, 29(2).
van Klinken, A 2020, ‘Religion in African literature: Representation, critique and imagination.’, Religion Compass, vol. 14 no. 12, pp. 1-12. doi:
Pillay, M, 2023. “Mary-Anne Plaatjies-van Huffel: Trailblazing journey off the patriarchal beaten track” (2023) Stellenbosch Theological Journal, Vol 9, No 1, 1–18.
Otu, Kwame, E., and van Klinken, A. 2023. African Studies Keywords: Queer. African Studies Review, 66(2):509–530. doi:10.1017/asr.2022.163.
Van Klinken, A, Bompani, B, and Parsitau, D. 2023. Religious Leaders as Agents Of LGBTIQ Inclusion in East Africa. African Affairs, 122(487): 299–312. doi:
van Klinken, A. 2023. The Colonial Christian Kernel of African Anti-LGBT+ Politics and Queer Humanitarianism: Conversation with Kwame E. Otu. Political Theology, 24(8); 793-801, DOI: 10.1080/1462317X.2023.2229205.
Beydoun, K A. 2023. On Terrorists and Freedom Fighters (Harvard Law Review)
Tifloen, Rifqah. 2023. 32: A Wounded Landscape and the Right to Protest at the River Club Site in Poverty and Prejudice: Religious Inequality and the Struggle for Sustainable Development eds. Mariz Tadros, Philip Mader, and Kathryn Cheeseman. (Bristol University Press: Bristol). DOI:
Naidoo, Pralini. 2023. ‘Greener on the Other Side: Tracing Stories of Amaranth and Moringa through Indenture’. Agenda 37 (1): 102–10.
Naidoo, Pralini. 2023. “The Unwritten: Exploring Food Stories Beyond and Between the Lines”, Matatu 54 (1): 107-123.
Battle, M. 2023. “Transnational Solidarity, Israel/Palestine, and Intellectual Legacies of Desmond Tutu,” Contending Modernities, University of Notre Dame,
Groenewald, C., Isaacs, D, and Mafanato, M. 2023. “It Doesn’t Cure, but It Protects”: COVID-19 Vaccines through the Eyes of Children and Their Parents. Vaccines, 11(1305).
Naidoo, Pralini. 2022. ‘Joy in the Dirt: Discovering Indenture’s Wild Places’. Art/Research International: A Transdisciplinary Journal 7 (2): 369–88.
Jodamus, J 2019, ‘Muted scholarship in 1 Corinthians: A gender-critical enquiry’, Scriptura, vol. 118, pp. 1-19. ISSN 2305-445X. doi:
Naidoo, P 2018, ‘Deconstructing Shakti: Investigating representations of the Hindu goddess in South Africa’, African Journal of Gender and Religion, vol. 24, no. 1, pp. 1-15. doi:
Nadar, S. 2023. “The Embodied Cost of Knowledge Activism” in Activist Hermeneutics of Liberation and the Bible: A Global Intersectional Perspective, eds. Gregory L. Cuéllar and Jin Young Choi. (United Kingdom: Taylor & Francis)
Nadar, S. 2021. ‘Reflections on establishing a research chair in Desmond Tutu’s name’ in Ecumenical Encounters with Desmond Mpilo Tutu – Visions for Justice, Dignity and Peace
Nadar, S 2020, ‘Sacred Sex, Sacred Text: Queering Religious Sexual Scripts in Transforming South African Societies’, in Oxford Handbook of Feminist Approaches to the Hebrew Bible
Nadar, S & Reddy, S 2020, ‘Embodied Epistemologies: Queering the Academic Empire’, in Jione Havea (ed), Vulnerability and Resilience: Body and Liberating Theologies, Lanham, Md.: Lexington Books/Fortress Academic, pp. 187-98
Phiri, L and Nadar, S 2018, ‘To move or not to move! Queering Borders and Faith in the context of diverse sexualities in Southern Africa’, in DL Machado, BS Turner & TE Wyller (eds), Borderland Religion: Ambiguous practices of difference, hope and beyond, New York: Routledge, pp. 74-86.
Nadar, S & Kaunda, M 2017, ‘Enough Beads Strung by the Circle of Concerned African Women Theologians?” Exploring new agendas for Circle Theology’, in H Bedford-Strohm, T Gatwa, T Jähnichen & E Musemakweli (eds), African Christian Theologies and the Impact of the Reformation, LITVerlag, Munster, 55-65.
Nadar, S & Reddy, S 2016. ‘Undoing ‘Protective Scientism’, in MA Samuel, R Dhunpath & N Amin (eds), Gender, Religion And Health Masters Curriculum. Disrupting Higher Education Curriculum: Undoing Cognitive Damage, Sense Publishers, pp. 229 – 246..
Nadar, S 2013, ‘Wathint’Abafazi Wathint’imbokodo!- The Son of Woman in the Son of Man as an Embodiment of the Struggle for Justice’, in R Walsh, JL. Staley & A Reinhartz (eds), Son of Man: An African Jesus Film, Sheffield Phoenix Press: Sheffield.
Nadar, S & Phiri, I 2013. ‘HIV Research, Gender and Religion Studies’, in I Phiri & D Werner (eds), Handbook of Theological Education in Africa, Regnum Books, Oxford: Great Britain, pp. 632-639 (Equal contribution by both authors).
Nadar, S 2012, ‘Her-Stories and Her-Theologies: Charting Feminist Theologies in Africa’, in E. K. Bongmba (ed.), The Wiley-Blackwell Companion to African Religions, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, Chichester, pp. 269-278. First published as ‘Her-Stories and Her-Theologies: Charting Feminist Theologies in Africa’, Studia Historiae Ecclesiasticae XXXV [Supplement], December 2009, pp. 135-150. Republished with permission
Nadar, S 2012, ‘Hermeneutics of transformation?’: a critical exploration of the model of social engagement between biblical scholars and faith communities’, in MW Dube, AM Mbuvi & D Mbuwayesango (eds), Postcolonial perspectives in African biblical interpretations, Atlanta (Ga): Society of Biblical Literature, pp. 389-405. First published as ‘Hermeneutics of Transformation?’ A Critical Exploration of the Model of Social Engagement Between Biblical Scholars and Faith Communities’, Scriptura, vol. 93, 2006, pp. 339-351. Republished with permission.
Phiri, I & Nadar, S 2012, ‘Cutting Cultural Corners”: A Case for Ritual Male Circumcision as a Health Asset for HIV Prevention from an African Feminist Perspective’, in JR Cochrane, E Bongmba, l Phiri & D van der Water (eds), Living on the Edge: Essays in Honour of Steve de Gruchy, Activist & Theologian, pp. 111-127. (Equal contribution by both authors).
Nadar, S 2010, ‘Contextuality and Inter-Contextuality in Theological Education: an African Perspective’, in D Werner, D Esterline, N Kang & J Raja (eds.), Handbook of Theological Education in World Christianity: Theological Perspectives– Regional Surveys–Ecumenical trend, Regnum Books: Great Britain.
Nadar, S 2010, ‘The Bible In and For Postcolonial Mission’, in D van der Water, IA Phiri, N Kang, R Hewitt & S Nadar (eds), Postcolonial Mission: Power and Partnership in World Christianity, Upland, CA: Sopher Press. First published as ‘The Bible in and for Mission: A Case Study of the Council for World Mission’, in Missionalia, vol. 37, no. 2, 2009, pp. 210-228. Re- published with permission
Nadar, S 2009, ‘Circles of Abundant Life: A Tribute to Denise Ackermann’, in M Pillay, S Nadar & C le Bruyns (eds), Ragbag Theologies: Essays in Honour of Denise M. Ackermann – A Feminist Theologian of Praxis, Stellenbosch: SUN Press, 2009, pp. 147 – 156.
Nadar, S 2008, ‘Who’s Afraid of Bible-Believing Christians?’ in KL Bloomquist (ed.), Lutheran’s Respond to Pentecostalism, Minneapolis, MN: Lutheran University Press and Lutheran World Federation.
Nadar, S & Leonard, G 2006, ‘Indentured Theology: White Souls/Black Skins? Decolonizing Pentecostals within the Indian Diaspora’, in SJ Stålsett (ed.), The Growth of Pentecostalism and Spiritualities in a Global Age,London: SCM, pp. 65-89. (Equal contribution by both authors).
Nadar, S 2004, ‘Texts of Terror-The Conspiracy of Rape in the Bible, Church and Society: The Case of Esther 2:1-18’, in IA Phiri & S Nadar (eds), African Women, Religion, and Health: Essays in Honour of Mercy Amba Oduyoye, Maryknoll, NY: Orbis, pp. 77-95. First published as ‘Texts of Terror’ Disguised as the ‘Word of God’: The Case of Esther 2:1-18 and the Conspiracy of Rape in the Bible’, Journal of Constructive Theology, vol. 10, no. 2, December 2004, pp. 59-79. Republished with permission
Nadar, S 2005, ‘On Being Church: African Women’s Voices and Visions’, in IA Phiri & S Nadar (eds), On Being Church: African Women’s Voices and Visions, Geneva: World Council of Churches, pp. 16-28.
Nadar, S 2003, ‘Barak God and Die! Women, HIV, and a Theology of Suffering’, in MW Dube & M Kanyoro, Grant Me Justice! HIV/AIDS and Gender Readings of the Bible, Maryknoll, NY: Orbis, pp. 60-79. First published as ‘Re-reading Job in the Midst of Suffering in the HIV/AIDS Era: How Not to Talk of God’, Old Testament Essays, vol. 16, no. 2, 2003, pp. 343-357. Republished with permission.
Nadar, S 2002, ‘Journeying in Faith: The Stories of Two Ordained Indian Women in the Anglican and Full Gospel Churches in South Africa’, in IA Phiri, DB Govinden & S Nadar (eds), Her-stories: Hidden Histories of Women of Faith in Africa, Pietermaritzburg: Cluster Publications, pp. 139-158.
Nadar, S 2001, ‘A South African Indian Womanist Reading of the Character of Ruth’, in MW Dube, Other Ways of Reading: African Women and the Bible, Atlanta, GA: Society of Biblical Literature, pp. 159-175.
Nadar, S 2001, ‘Living in Two Worlds: The Changing Role of South African Indian Women in the Full Gospel Church’, in R Azila (ed.), Women’s Spirituality in the Transformation of South Africa, New York/Munchen/Berlin: Waxmann Munster, pp. 73-82. Also in Journal for the Study of Religion, vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 73-83. Republished with permission.
Nadar, S 2000, ‘Emerging From Muddy Waters’, in DM Ackermann, E Getman, H Kotze & J Tobler, Reclaiming our Footprints: South African Women Reflect on Context, Identity and Spirituality, Stellenbosch: EFSA, pp. 15-32.
Scharnick-Udemans, L. 2023. “Prospects and Potential for the Study of Religion and Digital Media in (South) Africa.” What Has Religion Studies in Africa Been Up To? Edited by Jaco Beyers. 53-76 Wipf and Stock Publishers.
Scharnick-Udemans, L. 2021. ‘Religious Privilege and Intolerance: Unveiling the Rainbow Nation’ in Encounters with Desmond Mpilo Tutu – Visions for Justice, Dignity and Peace
Robertson, M. 2022. ‘Butch lesbians, femme queens and promiscuous clergy: Queering the body politics of the Methodist Church of Southern Africa’. In: Starkey, C and Tomalin, E (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Religion, Gender and Society, London: Routledge, pp. 193 – 207.
Robertson, M. 2021. ‘“I cannot worship a homophobic God” and other proclamations: Reflection on Tutu’s impact on discourses of religion and sexuality in Africa’, in Encounters with Desmond Mpilo Tutu – Visions for Justice, Dignity and Peace.
Robertson, M & Pattman, R. 2018. ‘Feeling at home or not at home: Negotiating gender, sexuality and race in residences in a historically white university in South Africa’, in R Pattman & R Carolissen, Transforming Transformation in Research and Teaching in South African Universities. Cape Town: Sun Media, pp. 197 – 216.
Kapinde, S, and van Klinken, A. 2023. Authority and Counter-Knowledges in the Ministry of a Kenyan Intersex Apostle. In L Juliana Claassens, Steed Davidson, Charlene van der Walt, Ashwin Thyssen (eds), Queering the Prophet On Jonah, and Other Activists. UK: SCM Press.
Parsitau, D., and Nyakwaka., D. 2023. The Women’s Movement and Gender Politics in Kenya. In Wanjala S. Nasong’o, Maurice N. Amutabi and Toyin Falola (eds) The Palgrave Handbook of Contemporary Kenya. (USA: Palgrave Macmillan).
Mulenga-Kaunda, M. 2023. The Bible in Public Places: A Zambian Pentecostal Woman’s Critique of Rev Sumaili’s Use of the Bible. In Jione Havea (ed) Troubling (Public) Theologies: Spaces, Bodies, Technologies. (Lanham, Md.: Lexington Books/Fortress Academic).
Mulenga-Kaunda, M. 2023. Postcolonial Imbusa: Bemba Women’s Agency and IndigenousCultural Systems. (Lanham: Lexington Books).
Headley, S D. 2023. Denise Ackerman’s Feminist Theology of Praxis: Formed in Lament. In Nelly Mwale, Rosinah Mmannana Gabaitse, Fundiswa Kobo & Dorothy Tembo (eds) Nehanda: Women’s Theologies of Liberation in Southern Africa. (Germany: Bamberg Press).
Beydoun, K A. 2023. The New Crusades: Islamophobia and the Global War on Muslims (Univ. of California Press)
Isaacs, D., Groenewald, C., and Moolman, B. 2023. Stuttering and social change: Moving Towards a Critical Disability Studies Approach in South Africa. In Rajendra Baikady, Sajid SM, Varoshini Nadesan, Jaroslaw Przeperski, M. Rezaul Islam, Gao Jianguo (eds) The Palgrave Handbook of Global Social Change. (Switzerland: Springer Nature).
Jodamus, J 2020, ‘Intersectional Texture: Reconsidering Gender Critical Frameworks and Sociorhetorical Interpretation, In Robbins, VK and Jeal, RR (eds), Welcoming the Nations: International Sociorhetorical Explorations, SBL Press, ISBN Number 9781138482722, 2020.
Naicker, L 2020, ‘Sexuality, marriage and singleness among Indian Pentecostal Women in South Africa’, in Chammah, J Kaunda (ed), Gender, Sexualities and Spiritualties in African Pentecostalism: Your Body is a Temple of the Holy Spirit, Palgrave Macmillan
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The Contemplative Life beyond Western Individualism with Michael Battle
Battle, Michael. The Contemplative Leadership Speaker, “Prayer as Resistance: Contemplative Practices for Liberative Justice 2.0” Conference on Thursday, March 9 – Saturday, March 11, 2023, at Princeton Theological Seminary in Princeton, New Jersey.
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Battle, Michael. African Christian Spirituality and Church Leadership, the Shalem Institute Video, July 21, 2023.
Battle, Michael. Ubuntu: I in You and You in Me, , Standford University, October 30, 2023
Battle, Michael. Guided Meditation on Practicing Ubuntu, Stanford Contemplation by Design Summit Video, Tuesday Oct. 31, 2023
Battle, Michael. African Christian Spirituality and Church Leadership, the Shalem Institute Video, July 21, 2023
Battle, Michael. 2023. “Transnational Solidarity, Israel/Palestine, and Intellectual Legacies of Desmond Tutu,” Contending Modernities, University of Notre Dame,
Battle, Michael. African Christian Spirituality and Church Leadership, the Shalem Institute Video, July 21, 2023.
Battle, Michael. on Opening Minds, Opening Hearts November 26, 2023.