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Economies of Violence

Recognising the multiple factors which shape access to justice such as gender, religion, race and class, the Desmond Tutu Centre for Religion and Social Justice annually convenes a public lecture on the theme of Economies of Violence.

Religious “Software” Supporting and Maintaining the Occupation in Palestine

  On 15 June 2021, Sarojini Nadar, the Director of the Centre, moderated an international webinar that focused on the ways in which selected Christian beliefs [โ€ฆ]

African Consortium for Law and Religion Studies (ACLARS)

On the 16th of May 2021, Lee Scharnick-Udemans, Senior Researcher, presented a paper at the annual conference of the African Consortium for Law and Religion Studies [โ€ฆ]

Intimate Archives: Interventions on Gender, Sexuality and Intimacy

On 12 May 2021, Megan Robertson, Post-Doctoral Fellow and Researcher, participated in a webinar series titled โ€œIntimate Archives: Interventions on Gender, Sexuality and Intimacyโ€ which forms [โ€ฆ]

American Academy of Religion

From the 23rd to 26th of November 2019, Prof Nadar and Dr Scharnick-Udemans attended the 2019 Annual Conference of the American Academy of Religion (AAR) in San Diego.

#MeToo Tweets the Pastor

Dr Evelyn L. Parker discussed Research Methodological Concerns about the project, โ€œThe Role of Religious Leaders in Preventing and Intervening in Youth Partner Violenceโ€

Association for the Study of Religion in Southern Africa (ASRSA)

The 41st annual ASRSA conference took place in Pretoria on the 4th and 5th of September. The theme of the conference was Religion and Economy. Dr Scharnick-Udemansโ€™ presentation offered a nuanced worldview of a religious group, the Seven Angels Ministry, which has been ostracized by the media, society, and the academy.

Circle of Concerned African Women Theologians 5th Pan-African Conference

2 โ€“ 4 July 2019, Gaborone, Botswana

International Partnership Meeting

16-20 July 2019, Leeds University, Leeds

European Conference Of African Studies (ECAS)

11-14 June 2019, Edinburgh, Scotland

World Peace Convention

Prof Nadar was invited to be a plenary speaker at the 2018 World Peace Convention

#MeToo At What Cost?: The Role of Culture and Religion in Policing Womenโ€™s Voices and Bodies

First Annual Womenโ€™s Month Public Lecture: The Role of Culture and Religion in Policing Womenโ€™s Voices and Bodies

Religion, Sexuality, Art and Activism with Inclusive and Affirming Ministries

The Centre co-convened a panel with this faith-based organisation, as part of its thematic focus area on religion and gender. The panel discussion was held just [โ€ฆ]

African Traditional Religion: Status and Practice in South Africa

Conversations and lectures by Dr Nokuzola Mndende, African Traditional Religion expert and practitioner
4-6 August 2019, Cape Town, South Africa

Council for World Mission Workshop, Subversive bodies, hopes and desires: Humanness under Empire

Stellenbosch, 3-6 December 2018

Contextualising Contemporary Christianities – What is the Future of Christian Theology?

This roundtable discussion was led by visiting scholar to the Centre, Dr Tim Hartman, Assistant Professor of Theology at Columbia Theological Seminary in the USA. The [โ€ฆ]

United Evangelical Mission

United Evangelical Mission (UEM) 2019 The Centre hosted a study group from UEM (United Evangelical Mission) headed by Claudette Williams, a reverend in the URCSA. Rev [โ€ฆ]

Freedom of Religion and Living Together

A public lecture delivered by Sohail Wahedi

International Society for the Sociology of Religion (ISSR)

In July 2019, Dr Scharnick-Udemans and Dr Robertson attended the 35th Biennial ISSR conference in Barcelona, Spain which gathered under the theme โ€œThe Politics of Religion [โ€ฆ]

Sacred Sex, Sacred Text: Queering Religious Sexual Scripts in Transforming African Societies

Prof Nadar gave a public lecture at the Exeter Centre for Ethics and Practical Theology (EXCEPT), at the University of Exeter in June 2019. The title [โ€ฆ]

Sanctifying Sex: Exploring โ€˜Indecentโ€™ Sexual Imagery in Pentecostal Liturgical Practices

In June 2019, Prof Nadar presented a public lecture at the University of Leeds, based on a paper that was co-authored with Dr Johnathan Jodamus. The [โ€ฆ]

Reimagining Christianity, Sexuality and Social Justice in Africa

Speakers: Dr Adriaan van Klinken and Ashwin Thyssen

Minority Faith Buildings and New Framings of Heritage

Speaker: Dr Caroline Starkey

Politics of Identities, Ethics and Reconciliation (PIER)

In the wake of the wave of recent student activism in South Africa, the term โ€˜decolonialโ€™ has become a weighty conceptual tool in the academy.

Performance and Production in the Field: Examining Queer Methodology in Research with Queer Clergy

Speaker: Megan Robertson

European Womenโ€™s Theological Research Network

Prof Nadar presented a paper to the Greek chapter of the European Womenโ€™s Theological Research Network, โ€˜Negotiating the โ€˜F-wordsโ€™ โ€˜- Faithโ€™ and โ€˜Feminismโ€™ in a post-apartheid globalized universityโ€™.

Non-Religion, Secularity and Religious Pluralism in South Africa

Speaker: Dr Patrick Pillay

First Annual โ€˜Remembering Marikanaโ€™ Lecture

Speaker: Prof Tinyiko Maluleke

Critical Times, Critical Race Symposium

The symposium, was significant for the Centre particularly for the ways in which the Centre frames its research within qualitative decolonial epistemological paradigms.

Discernment and Radical Engagement

Prof Nadar co-presented a paper with Dr Jodamus at the 2nd annual Discernment and Radical Engagement (DARE) conference in Mexico City in May 2018

Gender, Religion and Sexuality Conference

This conference hosted by the School of Religion, Philosophy and Classics at the University of KwaZulu- Natal aimed to bring together scholars and civil society, whose work touched on issues related to gender, religion, and sexuality.

Remembering James Cone, in Conversation with Black Liberation Theology

The collaborative team at UWC partnered with the Faculty of Theology at Stellenbosch University

Expanding Ecumenical โ€˜Circlesโ€™: Religious Pluralism and Feminist Theology in the Study of Religion and Theology

Speaker: Prof Isabel Phiri