Postgraduate Cohort Supervision Workshops

There are three phases in the supervision workshops; namely the proposal writing phase, the data and/or textual production phase, and the data/textual analysis and writing of the thesis report phase. The phases are flexible, and students can proceed to the next phase if they work at an accelerated pace. For each phase, facilitators work with a group of 12-15 students.

The workshops take place over three to five days.

The first day is set aside to introduce the theme of the workshop. This session is presented by an invited expert on the theme. After the presentations, students break away into smaller groups and are provided with the opportunity to engage and critique the presentation. This sets the tone for the rest of the workshop.

The next day/s are dedicated to student presentations, which are scheduled in advance, as students are briefed beforehand as to what the requirements for their presentations are. Time is allocated for both the presentations and intensive feedback from peers and facilitators.

The following day the presentations continue after the input from an expert (usually a facilitator from within the cohort) on the specific topic related to the workshop’s theme.

Aim of the Workshops

  • Save time and fast-track the completion of proposals and theses/dissertations within the stipulated minimum completion
  • Supplement one-on-one
  • Add interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary
  • Share and acquire supervision
  • Provide collegial interaction and peer
  • Stimulate higher order thinking and produce critical researchers

PHASE 1: Proposal Writing Phase

Workshop 1: Research focus/Area of interest/Rationale

Workshop 2: Literature review

Workshop 3: Conceptual/Theoretical framework

Workshop 4: Research approaches/methodologies – empirical and non-empirical

Workshop 5: Data analysis strategies/Ethical considerations

Workshop 6: Presentation of full draft proposal

PHASE 2: Data and/or Textual Production Phase

PHASE 3: Data/Textual Analysis and Writing of the Thesis Report Phase