Israeli Apartheid Week
Sacred Sex, Sacred Text: Queering Religious Sexual Scripts in Transforming African Societies
30/06/2019In June 2019, Prof Nadar presented a public lecture at the University of Leeds, based on a paper that was co-authored with Dr Johnathan Jodamus. The lecture entitled, “Sanctifying Sex: Exploring ‘Indecent’ Sexual Imagery in Pentecostal Liturgical Practices” was organised in collaboration with the Centre for Religion and Public Life at the University of Leeds and the Sheffield Institute for Interdisciplinary Biblical Studies at the University of Sheffield.
The lecture explored the possibilities that Pentecostalism’s liturgical practices may ironically and unintentionally yield sex-positive theologies. An insightful response was offered by Professor Adriaan Van Klinken on behalf of Charity Hamilton, a PhD student working in the field of body theology at the University of Leeds.