#MeToo At What Cost?: The Role of Culture and Religion in Policing Women’s Voices and Bodies
10/09/2019Reflections on Research Collaboration Trip to Cape Town
10/09/2019Prof Nadar was invited to be a plenary speaker at the 2018 World Peace Convention, hosted by the National Council of YMCAs of Korea, in Incheon, Korea.
The theme of the conference was: “Historic Reconciliation, Collective Healing and SangSaeng (Life Together) in the Korean Peninsula and East Asia.” Scholars from around the world were invited to present papers reflecting on reconciliation processes in their own contexts.  Prof Nadar presented a paper entitled “The Politics of Reconciliation: Re-inscribing the Wounded Body through a Feminist Body Hermeneutic.” The conference ended with a peace march, at which Prof Nadar was asked to speak at a press conference.
This is an extract from her greeting:
I am pleased to bring you greetings from the international participants at this 2018 World Peace Convention. As we reflect on these precious few days with you we can say the following with confidence. Firstly, it was humbling for all of us to collectively remember with you the pain and the suffering you have experienced and to connect your struggles with the struggles of our own people in the countries from which we come. Secondly it was both a challenge and privilege to collectively harness our analytical skills borne out of our struggles, and to bring these to bear on your on-going journey towards peace. Finally, it is our joy and privilege to commit as part of an international community of peace loving people, to continue to be in solidarity and walk with you on this journey towards peace. It is our hope that this peace will be characterized not just by the absence of war and conflict, but indeed by the presence of justice.