African Traditional Religion: Status and Practice in South Africa
#MeToo At What Cost?: The Role of Culture and Religion in Policing Women’s Voices and Bodies
10/09/2019The Centre co-convened a panel with this faith-based organisation, as part of its thematic focus area on religion and gender. The panel discussion was held just before a public lecture by visiting scholar, Dr Adriaan van Klinken, on the same theme.
The purpose of the panel discussion was to engage in a critical conversation around religion, sexuality, and activism in South Africa, with key facilitators of the programmes which IAM offers, to “support and empower the LGBTI community… to stimulate dialogue in building welcoming, affirming and inclusive faith communities.” The panel included Rev Michelle Boonzaaier, who manages the programme that focusses on coordinating processes of inclusion of gender diverse people in mainline churches (Michelle is a minister in the Dutch Reformed Church in Brackenfell), Rev Hanzline Davids who coordinates processes of inclusion of gender diverse people in the Uniting Reformed and Anglican churches (Hanzline is also a PhD candidate at Stellenbosch University in Systematic Theology), and Ms Nokuthula (Thuli) Mjwara who coordinates IAM’s work with civil society organisations and is a trainer and facilitator of human sexuality and diversity. They discussed why an organisation like IAM exists in South Africa, as well as some of the challenges of working in religious settings which are influenced by dynamics of race, culture, and gender.